Empower young people to engage in constructive dialogue and disagreement to improve the quality of politics.
A thriving US democracy where leaders and citizens engage in respectful, productive dialogue.
The goal of BridgeUSA is not to change minds or create centrists, but encourage students to engage differing beliefs, experiences and perspectives.
What unites us is not agreement on policies, but a shared mindset.
The BridgeUSA Mindset champions understanding, empathy, open-mindedness and a willingness to engage those who are different from us.
BridgeUSA strongly believes in our ability to hold strong beliefs while
being able to express them in a constructive manner.
The BridgeUSA Temperament scale was created by our CEO Manu
Meel to measure how willing someone is to engage across lines of
difference and build bridges in their community.
An individual can be anywhere along the ideological spectrum (x-
axis), but whether they are willing to engage with other ideas and
individuals (y-axis) is the test of our work as an organization.